The idea behind this forthcoming website is very simple. Big Fashionable Guys is a site where larger men can find out about clothing retailers and labels that stock larger sizes. We do not mean shops that your father would use or clothing ranges he would wear, we mean fashionable clothing ranges and retailers.


At Big Fashionable Guys our belief is simple, big does not mean unfashionable or unattractive, it simply means big. We want to help larger men find stylish clothes to wear for all occasions. We know there are many large men in the world, men who like to dress well. Just because a man is big, does not mean he does not want to look good and wear current clothing fashion and styles. But, for many such men, it is very hard to know where to look for these ranges; Big Fashionable Guys is here for men like this.


We intend to help larger men find clothing ranges and retailers who cater for Big Fashionable Guys. We aim to provide a directory of stores and fashion labels which cater for larger men in current fashion styles. And as larger men, we know what you want to wear and understand the difficulty in finding larger fashionable sizes.


This site will not be up until late 2000, but any comments at this time would be much appreciated. So, if you are a big fashionable guy or want to become one, let us know [email protected].



Thanks for now,



A Big Fashionable Guy